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About us

We are a community of ambitious individuals whose goal it is to empower women across the globe. Our projects support women in their journey to become self-sufficient by promoting their existing businesses or by supporting vocational training opportunities.

FEMONDIAL was founded in 2022 and supports women, or small businesses run by women, by purchasing their products and reselling them abroad.

Any profits made through the resale of these items are then used to support existing or new projects. We firmly believe that the path to financial independence is to support women with the opportunities to become self-sufficient, supporting the expansion of their business, the purchase of equipment and to help women attain skills that will allow them to independently generate a sustainable income source.

Our founder and chairwoman, Angelique, has been following the idea of founding the association for a long time. During one of her many humanitarian missions, her vision of how FEMONDIAL could support women in difficult situations became clearer and clearer. After some bureaucratic hurdles, the time had come in 2022 and FEMONDIAL was founded.

One reason for taking this path is that there is usually no flourishing market in the countries concerned and the handmade crafts often have to be sold below market value – this is where the association comes in.
By buying and reselling, we offer the participating women a secure source of income and support the development of their small businesses on a long term basis.

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